The Blog with the Search Engine for Statistics

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Search for Statistics on the Malaysia Airlines Plane Crash Mystery

Looking for background statistics to research the Malaysia Airlines disappearance and apparent plane crash?

Check out our search engine for statistics, or take a look at these links for more information:

IRchartnexus is an investment firm that has a financial background on Malaysia Airlines with links to Malaysia Airlines reports. can give you a background on flight records for Malaysia Airlines.

The Department of Civil Aviation Air Transport Division of Malaysia may have useful information buried somewhere in its website. (The investigative link wasn't active when I went to the website, and only one statistic report was available, which required a translation.)  But you can also search the Aviation Safety Network for statistics, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), or International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).  Comparing countries? The European Aviation Safety Agency or Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) may be of some help. Wikipedia has an entry on Aviation Accidents that contains a list of aviation organizations, associations and authorities that could be of value to you

The Department of Statistics Malaysia has an Offical Portal for statistics on the social demographics, business and economy of Malaysia.
Plane take off or landing Malaysia Airlines
(Photo Credit: Simon_Sees. Creative Commons License 2.0.)

BBC News and CNN continue news coverage of the (apparent) plane crash mystery, and you should stay updated with Interpol reports and findings.

Digital Globe is the company behind the impressive crowd sourcing initiative taking place to help scour an unfathomable amount of imagery shots for debris or other clues using Tomnod. You can find facts on ocean debris at the U.S. EPA website, statistics on ocean litter can be found in the National Marine Debris littering pdf file, and also at the Keep Australia Beautiful link on marine litter statistics.

Reddit users are weighing in heavily on the plane's disappearance and keeping other users updated with timelines and reliable news sources.

Statistics to the Boeing aircraft 777-220ER can be found on Boeing's technical characteristics page, Boeing 777-200 information page, and in a pdf file from the FAA website (with plenty of mathematical explanations for you statistical wizards).

You can find links for plane crash statistics in my old (lengthy, disorganized, but helpful) blog post on Plane Crash Statistics, and a few more in my post on the Buffalo (Clarence) New York freak plane crash.

The links to government and aviation statistic websites are included in the custom search engine on my page, so if you're looking for a specific fact, try the search engine for statistics at the top of this blog.

If you know of any other links that would be useful to others researching this plane's disappearance, feel free to provide them in the comments below.

Our hearts go out to all of the families and friends of those on board Malaysia Airline flight 370. Special condolences to Mei Ling Chng's family, friends and co-workers. My son and his family live in Pittsburgh, and Eastman Chemical supports our nearby town of Kingsport. For the sake of the families involved, we hope this mystery will soon be solved. Peace to all.


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Never Never Land, TN, United States
Mom of six kids (30, 27, 25, 22, 21, 13) in a far-from-average-statistics family. Freelance SEO Content Writer on the side. If I can help you in any way, shoot me a virtual letter at writerightforyou at gmail dot com.

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