The Blog with the Search Engine for Statistics

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teenage Pregnancy and TV

Journal of Pediatrics report that teens watching Sex in the City are twice as likely to get pregnant - or become a father. (Okay, I summarized it poorly but I'm rushing... .)

Link to Article on Teen Pregnancy and Watching Sex in the City

Now all we have to do is go back to all the statistics in the last decade and account for what the kids and teens were watching on TV. Glad I threw mine out decades ago. For the record, I've never watched the show so I really have no idea how "sexual" it is.

I don't have time to write and I'm in the middle of biting off more than I can chew - but it seems to me that studies like these have tremendous power to lessen the impact of other studies.

Back to poor long lost blog...

P.S. Found an old Report to the Kaiser Foundation on TV, Children, Influence, Media, History, and other studies on the effect of TV on teens and children with a lot of citations for further research:

Cached Version of
Report to the Kaiser Foundation Measuring the Effects of Sexual Content in the Media

DOC Version of Same File
Report to the Kaiser Foundation Measuring the Effects of Sexual Content in the Media


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Never Never Land, TN, United States
Mom of six kids (30, 27, 25, 22, 21, 13) in a far-from-average-statistics family. Freelance SEO Content Writer on the side. If I can help you in any way, shoot me a virtual letter at writerightforyou at gmail dot com.

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